About Latino

What is Latino?

Latino is a fully functional programming language with Spanish syntax, development for this project began in 2015.

This programming language is influenced by Python and Lua.

Latino can be used for:
  • Web development (server-side)
  • Database connectivity
  • Mathematics
  • System scripting

Why another programming language?

Latino is born from the need to increase education on computer science in Latino-America; Therefore, students, as well as professionals, could get motivated to enter the world of programming and develop applications with easy-to-learn syntax.

I code in English, why learn Latino?

There is no right answer to this question. If you enjoy experiencing new ways to program and like challenging yourself on a new adventure, then Latino will be a wonderful experience for you!

However, if you are a native Spanish speaker or speak a similar language such as Portuguese or Italian, this could be a great opportunity to learn a super easy-to-learn programming language similar to your own language.

Advantages of this programming language

Latino is influenced by Python and Lua which provide great advantages when using.

  1. Easy Syntax:
    • Latino have a very clean syntax which does not require a semicolon (;) at the end of each line of code which is the case of a programming language such as Java, JavaScript, C/C++, and others.
  2. High-level programming language:
  3. Portable:
    • When we write code in Latino, it can be executed on whichever other platfom in a easy and simple way. As opposed to other programming languages like the case of Visual Basic that only works on MS-Windows platforms.
  4. Open source:
    • Any person can download the source code of Latino, modify it, extend the existing libraries, and contribute to its development if they wish.

Who develops Latino?

Latino is a language that has recieved the car and support of Hispanic users around the world and they have contributed to the growth of this project. Users have helped by popularizing and contributing to the source code of the language.

This language was created by Primitivo Roman in 2015 with the version v0.1-alpha until his version v1.0 was launched in 2017.

Currently, the language is in continued development under the direction of Mevlvin Guerrero on the versions v1.1.0, v1.2.0, v1.3.0 from now on.

What are the plans for the future?

Latino continues its development to convert itself to be an essenstial tool in the education of Latin-America and to be good alternative to use in the field of software.

The development of this programming language looks to offer tools that allows the user to create object-oriented applications, mobile applications, videogames, and more!

Also as part of development this language looks to offer educational material of great quality, for the purposes of the use of this language.

For example:
  • An accurate manual of great quality
  • Books for learning
  • Online course
  • Video tutorials