acadena( )

The function acadena( ) converts numbers to strings(text).

This function can be used in any type of numbers, decimals, variables, or expressions.

acadena(x)            //Returns as text the numeric value of the variable X
acadena(123)          //Returns as text the numeric value 123
acadena(100 + 23)     //Returns as text the result of the expression


x = 123
y = acadena(x)

escribir(x)           //Returns 123
escribir(y)           //Returns 123

/*Although visually it seems that nothing has changed if you use the tipo() function, you will see the difference*/

escribir(tipo(x))     //Returns float
escribir(tipo(y))     //Returns string

Convert booleans to srings(textos)

The acadena( ) function can be used to convert boolean (logical) values ​​to strings (texts).

acadena(verdadero)     //Returns "verdadero"
acadena(falso)         //Returns "falso"