anumero( )

The anumero( ) function convers strings (text) to numbers.

Quotation marks without characters, such as ‘’ will return Nulo the same as the number 0.

Blanks ‘ ‘ or whatever number that has a blank, such as ‘7 ‘ will be converted to ALT Code.


escribir(anumero("3.14"))     //Returns 3.14
escribir(anumero(""))         //Returns nulo
escribir(anumero("0"))        //Returns nulo
escribir(anumero(" "))        //Returns 32 (This is the same in ALT Code)
escribir(anumero("9"))        //Returns 9
escribir(anumero("9 "))       //Returns 57(Since it has a blankm it returns its ALT Code)

Convert booleans to numbers

The anumero( ) function can be used to convert boolean (logical) values ​​to a numeric value.

anumero(verdadero)     //Returns 1
anumero(falso)         //Returns "nulo" (It doesn't return 0, because its value is represented by a null)